Stevie Woods:author of gay romantic fiction

November 28, 2012

The Guardian (Binary Stars 5 – Book 2) 25% excerpt!

Today’s 25% excerpt is from the paranormal vampire duo anthology, Binary Stars 5, a contemporary set story in an alternate world where vampires are an accepted part of society.  Here is a little peek into the story of The Guardian from a quarter way into the story:

The Heliotrope“Help?” the man said.

“Yes. You needed an immediate blood supply and now you will need to go to a hospital.” David explained.

“Hospital?” Rick was still confused, his eyes heavy, closing again before David could answer.

David scooped up Rick, dashed to the back door of the club and pounded on it. When no one immediately answered he pounded again.

“Hold your damn horses,” a rough voice said as the door slammed open. “It wasn’t locked,” the man began, stopping as soon as he saw David carrying Rick. “What the fuck?”

“Get out of the way. Get me Anton or Bohdri, now!”

The man – vampire, whatever – ran back inside. He didn’t call out so he must have known where the owners were, and David followed at a fast clip. As he reached the first turning in the corridor that led to the club proper, he was met by Anton.

“What is going on?” Anton began, only to pause as he saw David and his burden. “Rick? What happened? David, isn’t it? Lords, was he attacked?”

“Yeah, David Reilly. I destroyed his attacker in your alley. I guess Rick expected it to be as safe outside the club as it is inside.”

“Damn right, it should be, of course,” Anton said angrily.

“What’s happened?” another voice overlaid Anton’s and David recognized Bohdri stepping up behind Anton. “Oh my Lord, is he…?”

“No. It was close though. I had to give him some of my blood.”

Anton had moved down another corridor away from the main establishment and opened a door. “Put him here,” Anton said, indicating a wide bed. David guessed this must be one of the back rooms where vampires could take their humans and pay for their blood with the coin of sex.

David laid Rick down carefully. Rick stirred slightly, but did not wake. David took a closer look at the damage to Rick’s neck and chided himself for not closing it earlier, though he’d had other priorities at the time. He thoroughly licked the wound, his saliva helping the flesh to knit and heal remarkably quickly.

“You said you gave him some of your blood?” Anton wanted an answer to the question he did not ask.

“Yes, just enough to keep him alive. Don’t worry, I didn’t turn him. However, he will need more blood soon, I have to get him to a hospital. Do you have any transport?”

“Yes, I’ll bring the car round to the back.” Bohdri was already moving as he spoke.

David turned his attention back to Rick, continuing to heal the damage and fighting his urge to reach out and brush the hair back from his face. He wanted to see those eyes looking at him again.

“Thank you for saving him, David. He has earned a special place here.”

“Yes, so I believe,” David said, glancing at Anton before gazing at Rick again.

There was silence for a few moments and then Anton said quietly, “Am I mistaken in sensing a personal interest here?”

<end excerpt>

If you want to read the book (which also contains book one – The Partners) you can purchase it here

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