Stevie Woods:author of gay romantic fiction

January 1, 2011

New release! Gay contemporary short, Festivities

Filed under: website,writing — Stevie Woods @ 4:31 pm
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Released today from Torquere Press: Festivities, a Christmas/New Year romance.

BLURB:  Joel invites his friend Graham to spend the Christmas holiday period with him, and he plans that by the time New Year arrives they’ll be more than just friends. As New Year’s Eve dawns Graham wakes with a new determination. The whole week with Joel had been wonderful and Graham is not going to let the day pass without admitting his feelings to Joel. Will the New Year really be ‘new’ for them?

SHORT EXCERPT:  It had been a surprise when Joel had invited Graham to come and stay with him for the holiday period. Joel decided to hold a party on Christmas Eve and one again on New Year’s Eve and wanted Graham to stay with him in the meantime. At first Graham tried to beg off, not that he wanted to, but he thought Joel was probably just being polite in asking him as Joel knew he had no family to spend the time with.

“Thanks, Joel, but it’s not necessary. I would be happy to come to both of your parties, but I wouldn’t want to impose for the whole week.”

“Impose? I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t want the company, Graham.” Joel stepped closer, his voice lowering, “Would you like to spend the holidays with me?”

Suppressing a shiver at the tone of Joel’s voice, Graham smiled and nodding. “Yeah, sure. It would be fun.”

“Yes, it will.” Joel grinned. “It’ll be good, you’ll see. In fact, I’ll let all the usual suspects know that I’m declaring open house, just to make sure you have fun.”

“Oh Lord, the things I let myself in for.”

“Right, first point of order, getting stocked up. My cupboard is bare and my guests are a thirsty bunch.”

“Oh, so I have to help with the groceries as well now. Your way to make me pay for my keep?”

“Hadn’t thought of that! Now I’m going to have to think of suitable payment and a good way to collect.”

Graham glanced at Joel and was glad that his friend couldn’t read his mind as he thought of a perfect way to pay Joel for his hospitality. He dropped his eyes quickly because, though Joel couldn’t read his mind, Graham was afraid that his friend could perhaps read the emotion in his eyes.



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